
TTT: Favorite Places to Read

Right now, because there’s a pandemic, and because I’m disabled, and don’t drive anymore, 90% of my reading takes place at home, in my recliner.

But that’s boring.

So, here are 10 places that I have loved reading that are not my living room!

  1. Cafe 270–This is a cafe on the Anthem of the Seas, a Royal Caribbean cruise ship. Cafe 270 is the back of the ship, with 270 degrees of floor-to-ceiling windows looking out over the ocean. They have cocoon chairs facing the windows, and that is my favorite place to read in the world.
  2. In the car. I’m lucky that I can usually read for a few hours before I get carsick.
  3. At a high school football game. This one requires a little explanation. I hate high school football, but I was in marching band and so I was required to attend every single game, home and away, for six years. Torture. I learned pretty young, though, that because we still wore those absurdly large, furry hats, I could stuff a book (and, later, also a Walkman) up inside. Made it a little hard to balance during pre-game, but made the games bearable.
  4. In the athletic director’s office at our local college. This is a similar story to the above. My dad was a football coach at the local college when I was growing up, and he also did all the play-by-play for the college basketball team, so the whole family went to a lot of games. I usually had a book, and at some point my mom would always ask if I wanted to go read in “Buck’s office.” Yes, yes I did. Buck had a really comfy chair. Plus, there were snacks at half-time!
  5. Indianapolis Artsgarden. Indy is a great town, and one of the things that I love most about it is the above-ground series of walkways which connect the convention center, all the downtown hotels, the city-center mall and the Artsgarden, which is gorgeous and a lovely place to spend a couple hours with a book and some tea. Or ice cream. Ok, usually ice cream.
  6. Airports. Reading in airports is the only thing that keeps me sane.
  7. Trains. Love reading in the upper deck of a train, with my feet up against the windows, watching the scenery roll by.
  8. Libraries. Something about being surrounded by books. And a library with a few big comfy chairs? Bliss.
  9. Bookstores. Same as above, except the Borders in South Hills (Pittsburgh…land of my raisin’) had a FIREPLACE in the lower level, surrounded by said big, comfy chairs. Bliss+Fire is the only thing that exceeds Bliss alone.
  10. Coffee Shops. I have spent many, many days whiling away hours in a coffee shop. Love finding that corner seat empty and squatting for the day, with an endless supply of coffee…or tea…and scones. Sigh.

What’s your favorite place to read? Answer in the comments, and be sure to check out That Artsy Reader Girl for more Top Ten Tuesday topics!

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

14 thoughts on “TTT: Favorite Places to Read

  1. A great list of places! It’s funny you mentioned reading at sporting events because that is normally the one place I will not read. That said, I will read when watching sports on tv. There’s just something different about being at the game. Of course, I’m the only one in my house who is into sports, so I don’t get to go to as many games as I would like.

    When you get the chance, I hope you stop by my post: https://readbakecreate.com/10-books-with-travel-locations-in-their-title/

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  2. I was in marching band too. Everyone is surprised that I managed not to learn anything about football at all those games! I was chatting with my friends, not reading though. Same holds true today. We like to meet another couple at our local minor league baseball game. My husband watches the game; the other husband half watches the game, half scrolls through his phone; and my friend and I talk away. We like that we don’t feel rushed the way we do in restaurants. I do like watching the mascots and “entertainment team” playing their silly games with the kids during breaks though.

    Cafe 270 sounds heavenly! My husband and I have only been on one cruise. We didn’t find the adults-only pool until the last day because it was hidden on the other side of the spa! That would have been where I spent the week.

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  3. I like reading in my garden. I put myself on a carpet on the grass and look at the mountains, the clouds or the flowers from time to time, I read and slide towards another monfo and I forget about myself and everything. 😄

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  4. When the weather’s right I love reading out on a park bench enjoying the breeze.
    But it’s hard to pick a favorite as I love to read, and so the location is mostly secondary. In some ways wherever I am is likely to be my current favorite place to read. 😀

    But by a fire on a nice chilly winter night is a good one. In the hot tub of a cruise ship enjoying the ocean views (when I deign to look up from my book); also good. Planes, train, or automobiles are all places I’ve enjoyed good books (well, except during turbulence – I do find having my head and the kindle bouncing around slightly out of sync is a quick way to feel queasy. Similar issue reading on a motor boat anchored in the swell; good thing that’s not a problem on big ships)

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  5. I’ve discovered with this week’s TTT that being able to read in the car is a rare thing. I had no idea I was so lucky. Happy to hear I’m not alone. And I was in my high school marching band. Why did I never think to hide a book in that giant hat?! A bookstore with a fireplace?? Sounds amazing. Great list!

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